Getting Started as a Developer

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Getting Started

Welcome to the official starter pack for becoming a developer! Here's all the stuff that's mandatory:

  1. a computer
  2. a text editor
  3. hard work

That's it! It doesn't take much to start to code. The toughest part is persisting and pushing yourself to learn more and more to advance your skills.

Some text editors I recommend are Atom and Sublime Text. However, you may even use TextEdit or WordPad if you wish :P

Before you move on, I encourage you to take a look at Git, a version control platform. You can learn more about it here.


HTML, CSS, and JS are the building blocks of the web. You markup your webpage in the Hyper Text Markup Language, make it look pretty with Cascading Style Sheets, and make the magic happen with JavaScript. They are a powerful trio, and thankfully, the easiest to get started with.

All you need to make your first webpage is to open up your text editor and save it as a .html page. In the file, you can write something like

 <h1>Hello World!</h1>
and the text will be shown once you open your browser. Don't worry, you'll learn the markup as you get started building projects.

Now, CSS is what makes the web as beautiful as it is today. In fact, I highly recommend Jeremy Thomas's Web Design in 4 Minutes. It introduces some key CSS concepts in a step-by-step fashion and eventually converts the dull page into an attractive one.

JavaScript is where the real programming comes into play. It's fully packed - consisting of mostly everything you'd think of in a programming language. With functions, objects, variables, constants, and much more, JavaScript provides the elements for any developer to create something amazing. Here's a quick example:

  var triangle = '';
  for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
    console.log(triangle += '#');

Console Log:

Take a look at what we can do in just 4 lines of code. In this example, we set the variable triangle to an empty string. Then, we used a for loop to add a new # symbol until the variable i, which is defined as 0, hits 7. In essence, the program keeps on adding a # as it is told to do so and stops only once it has repeated it seven times.

If this is a little above your head, don't worry. It'll get easier as you dig into Web Development.


Node.js is well, a runtime built on JavaScript. However, it allows for something great. Node.js lets one use the same JavaScript syntax but on the server. If you have not noticed already, JavaScript is a scripting language built for use only in the browser. Node.js is different because it lets you use JavaScript as if it was any other programming language.

For example, with Node.js, you can transfer information from the client to the server, thus enabling the creation of apps such as real-time messaging or bots.

To get started, make sure you install Node.js and npm, its package manager.


Python is a high level programming language that's super popular. Python's main strength is that it's a general purpose and flexible. language You can download Python here .